Commetrex | Videos


‘Smart ATA: The Next Generation’ Series Featuring Angie


In these videos Angie discusses Smart ATA, a new product powered by Smart FoIP, with her client. She shares that features and benefits of Smart ATA and why the product is unique in the industry.

Episode Two: Smart ATA & V.34

John and Angie discuss how using Smart ATA with V.34 can improve fax time for John’s company.

Episode One: Smart ATA

Angie explains why the industry needs Smart ATA, beginning with the three features of Smart FoIP: it takes care of late T.39 re-invites and PCM clock sync plus it includes V.34.

‘Smart FoIP’ Series Featuring Angie


In these videos Angie, a Systems Integrator, meets with her client and explains how the patent-pending Smart FoIP technology from Commetrex can help him improve his FoIP reliability and eliminate the need to keep POTS lines just for fax.

Episode One: Smart FoIP and BladeWare

Angie explains to John how Commetrex’ BladeWare with Smart FoIP can help him eliminate his need to keep his POTS lines for fax, thus allowing his company to move to an all-IP network.

Episode Two: Smart FoIP and the Late T.38 ReInvite Problem

Angie explains to John how Smart FoIP solves the Late T.38 ReInvite Problem.

Episode Three: Smart FoIP and G.711

Angie explains to John how Smart FoIP handles multiple-page faxes.

‘My Fax Machine Doesn’t Work’ Series Featuring Fiona


These vignettes offer a light-hearted look at the many challenges that Fiona, an internet fax newbie, faces in trying to send and receive faxes on the Internet.

Episode One: FaxTap for T.38

Fiona is frustrated with her fax over IP – and rightfully so. A friend recommends Commetrex to her and they suggest she analyze the problem with FaxTap for T.38.

Episode Two: Smart FoIP

Fiona visits Commetrex again for help with her FoIP problem. Commetrex suggests implementing their new Smart FoIP technology to get her fax working.

Episode Three: Smart ATA

Fiona’s fax machine still isn’t working, so the Commetrex head geek explains to her that her ISP needs to provide her with Smart ATA, featuring Commetrex’ Smart FoIP technology.