FoIP Pioneers

FoIP Pioneers

A new BladeWare customer—an enterprise-fax OEM—reported that one of his end-users was dissatisfied with their fax server’s performance as they had a 25% fax-transaction failure rate.  They wanted to know what was wrong with BladeWare.  After determining that there were no outstanding tickets for this system, we knew that the end user and our OEM assumed what everyone new to FoIP assumes, that it was a problem with the newly purchased system, which was based on BladeWare.  That’s quite reasonable; after all, their PSTN-based fax machines and fax server had a 97% success rate, and many of those failures were called-terminal problems, such as being out of paper.

We explained that a successful fax required that more than BladeWare must perform: the service provider’s SIP server, the on-ramp SBC, the call route selected by the first carrier (is it an FoIP-friendly route?), all the tandem gateways, the destination TDM network, and, of course, the called endpoint.  And, except for the last two, none of which were likely involved in those PSTN calls.  But, we consoled, don’t be discouraged by the complexity since Commetrex takes pride in its ability to analyze such problems and solve them.  And the same goes for our sister company, NetGen Communications, and their product, Smart ATA®.

Our T.38 relay was one of the first two in the industry, so we’ve been doing this FoIP thing since the early days in the ‘90s…pioneers, if you will.  We’ve performed unprecedented international FoIP testing over a three-year period.  And now, we have FaxTap for SIP to help us shine a light on a problem call.

So, if you’re a BladeWare or Smart ATA customer and you’re having FoIP problems, don’t despair, you have the or support websites to turn to.  Open a ticket and you’ll hear from us.

We make FoIP work!

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