Fax over IP Solved
Solving Fax over IP (FoIP) is a complicated problem, caused by three things: the timing requirements of the T.30 protocol over a connectionless packet network, the use of synchronous modems, and carrier/service-provider misbehavior. Our patented Smart FoIP® takes care of the first twoissues, and our support solves the third. But, you ask, what about the other vendors that deliver reliable fax with HTTPS and other techniques. How do they do it without infringing Commetrex’ patent?
Well, our patent has nothing to do with HTTPS. And we answered that very question in a paper we wrote for Beka’s Channel Vision Magazine. It was published in the July/August 2015 issue and it’s available on our website here. Every ATA in the industry, including the market leaders, exhibits the two problems our patent solves, but if you wonder how every vendor that claims reliable FoIP does it, check out that paper.