Gateways for IP-Based Fax Servers?
How can the overall market for enterprise fax servers continue to grow, even as investments in TDM fax-server systems are declining? The answer, of course, is that IP-based fax servers are more than taking up the slack. Obviously, fax-server vendors that continue to “sit this one out” run the risk of being permanently left behind. Fax-server vendors must add support for IP fax. But as IP networking is new technology for many of these vendors, there are plenty of questions. Chief among them are those concerned with the conversion between TDM and IP transport, the task of the IP-PSTN gateway. Then there are the issues of signaling (SIP, H.323, etc.), HMP, and T.38 versus G.711 pass-through.
What the fax-server vendor needs is an experienced HMP fax-media-server vendor, and Commetrex’ new white paper, BladeWare in the Enterprise, Vendor Considerations, to help you sort out your options.
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