Commetrex is known for its fax technology and BladeWare’s first supported media was fax, both PSTN and FoIP. So enterprise-fax OEMs are adapting their applications to BladeWare to benefit from a robust platform with unprecedented scalability and unequalled features, including support for PSTN connectivity with Sangoma PSTN-interface boards. All of this is available at one-third the price of the alternative platform.
BladeWare includes Commetrex’ patent-pending Smart FoIP®, technology which improves the performance of fax-over-IP (FoIP) in carrier networks by 5-10% by eliminating the problems caused by late-arriving T.38 re-Invites from the receiving gateway in a carrier’s network, causing the call to fail if the re-Invite is accepted when it should actually be rejected. Smart FoIP brings BladeWare fax-transaction success rates up to near-PSTN levels.
Please take advantage of the information available on this site, and contact us to discuss how Commetrex can help you get your product to market faster and with less investment in product development.