The MSP-E/T E1/T1/J1 PCM interface is a general-purpose interface for medium-density host-based telephony media processing, allowing a BladeWare system to interface with PSTN end offices and PBXs. The MSP-E/T is a half-height PCI or PCI Express board supporting either 1, 2, 4, or 8 DS-1 spans using only one expansion-card slot.
Network timing can be passed from a network-connected interface to any other spans for a fully synchronized system. E1 and T1 can be mixed in any combination, supporting the implementation of channel-bank functionality with BladeWare’s channel-switching feature.
Comprehensive line-encoding, framing, and link-layer support, such as EuroISDN allow the OEM to address the broadest possible geographic markets. Technical certifications are listed on the Commetrex Website.
In addition to BladeWare, the MSP-E/T is also available with the optional OpenMedia media-processing software environment. OpenMedia is a comprehensive multi-stream software environment that permits media-processing vendors to develop to one open, portable environment, rather than for multiple proprietary environments that lack the potential of broad market coverage. With the OpenMedia SDK the MSP E/T becomes an open hardware-software environment for the media-processing software developer.