PowerVox for BladeWare

BladeWare and the MSP boards are licensed without media-processing resources. PowerVox adds voice play and record capability to BladeWare.The PowerVox SDK provides the necessary development environment; runtime licenses then add a specific number of per-call resources. These runtime resources can be for the BladeWare SIP service manager, any MSP-series resource hardware, or the terminating version of any voice codec that supports voice-over-packet networks.

The play-record resource to be used for a given command is determined by the BladeWare system on a per-call basis without involvement by the application. The resource, which is determined by the BladeWare resource group configured to support the operation, may be terminating IP or PSTN voice using and MSP board. This means the application can be developed without regard to the type of network (PSTN or IP) or resource to be used on a given call.

BladeWare is a telephony middleware software system that supports both third-party and Commetrex-provided media and switching resources. These vendor-specific resources are isolated from the balance of the OTF Kernel system by Resource Service Managers (RSMs). The resource-specific RSM determines the number of concurrent media-technology resources that have been licensed. It then launches the appropriate Resource Controllers, such as the PowerVox Resource Controller, to support voice play-record for IVR and messaging applications.


  • Field proven voice technology
  • Resource- and network-independent client API
  • Voice Play-Record Client API
  • G.711, G.726 vocoders (16, 24, 32, 40-K bit rates, µ-law and A-law)
  • Wave file support
  • 8-bit linear audio (11, 22, 44-K bit)
  • 16-bit linear audio (8, 11, 22, 44-K bit)
  • Play, stop, pause, resume, jump, speedup and slowdown commands
  • Maximum-Concurrent Port Licensing
  • Software-password license administration
  • Constant pitch with varying timescale from 0.5 to 1.5 normal.


  • Application portability
  • Reduced development time and cost
  • High customer satisfaction
  • Deployment flexibility
  • Efficient resource allocation


A BladeWare system provides clear separation between the application and service entities and network-interface and the resources that connect and process the digital-media call streams. These resources are abstracted to render them vendor and resource independent. The binding of the resource-abstraction token to an application and call stream is then handled by the system services independently of the application.

BladeWare uses an application profile and System Call Router (SCR) routing rules to dynamically bind resources to the application on a per-call basis. For example, the application profile may specify a particular voice coder to use, where routing rules allow the SCR of build a resource group for the application that would be based on whether a call arrived via a PSTN or packet connection.

Player-Recorder API

The Player-Recorder provides the functions needed to implement messaging and voice-based digital-media information service systems. The API functions operate on Container Manager Time-Varying Media (TVM) objects.

CTplyr_AdjustVolume() Adjust the current playback volume
CTplyr_Jump() Jump back or forward within the TVM playback
CTplyr_Pause() Pause playback of a TVM
CTplyr_Play() Start Playback from a TVM
CTplyr_Resume() Resume playback of a TVM
CTplyr_Stop() Stop playback of a TVM
CTrcdr_Pause() Pause recording
CTrcdr_Record() Start Recording into a TVM
CTrcdr_Resume() Resume recording
CTplyr_Stop() Stop recording
CTplyr_SpeedUP() Increase playback speed
CTplyr_SlowDown() Decrease playback speed

Coders Supported

The standard speech-file is stored in the WAV file format. Supported coders are as follows:

Coder Type Sample Size (bits) Sample Rate
ADPCM at 16 kbps 2 8,000
ADPCM at 24 kbps 3 8,000
ADPCM at 32 kbps 4 8,000
ADPCM at 40 kbps 5 8,000
µ-law PCM at 64 kbps 8 8,000
A-law PCM at 64 kbps 8 8,000
11 kHz 8 bit linear audio 8 11,000
22 kHz 8 bit linear audio 8 22,000
44 kHz 8 bit linear audio 8 44,000
8 kHz 16 bit linear audio 16 8,000
11 kHz 16 bit linear audio 16 11,000
22 kHz 16 bit linear audio 16 22,000
44 kHz 16 bit linear audio 16 44,000


This ITU standard describes the conversion of a 64- Kbit A-law or µ-law PCM channel (sampling rate = 8000Hz and sample size = 8 bits) to and from a 40, 32, 24, or 16-Kbit/s channel. The conversion is applied to the PCM bit stream using the ADPCM transcoding technique described in G.726.

Uniform Pulse Code Modulation (UPCM)

In uniform PCM, each sample of the incoming signal is quantized to one of 2R amplitude levels, where R is the number of binary digits used to represent the sample. For example, in 8-bit uniform PCM each sample is quantized to one of 256 levels.

Configuration Information

PowerVox adds terminating voice to an OTF Kernel-based system. All members of the MSP line of DSP-resource boards are supported, as is the all-IP BladeWare IP media server.

MSP Resource Service Manager SDK, PN 20050
PowerVox for BladeWare SDK, PN 20060
PowerFax for BladeWare SDK, PN 20030