Advancing the State of the Art in Licensed Fax Technology
Commetrex has developed and licensed fax technologies for telephony and fax-terminal OEMs for 24 years. We are now developing, for release in 4Q17, SIPfaxEngine, the industry’s most-advanced core fax-technology bundle that OEMs need to move to comprehensive FoIP support for servers and office equipment. It’s a full-function SIP and fax-technology core for MFPs, media servers, and fax terminals—namely, anything that needs to send-receive faxes in SIP networks. SIPfaxEngine supports G.711-fax with V.34 and T.38 version 3, with Smart FoIP® optionally available (US patent 9,064,419).
SIPfaxEgine’s comprehensive feature set means the OEM’s scope of work, time to market, development, and field-support costs are reduced to the absolute minimum.
- Commetrex’ renowned Multi-Modal Terminating Fax (MMTF)—T.38 V3 with full modem support including
- V.34
- 25-years-in-the-field T.30
- SIP call control based on pjSIP with commercial license
- IP V6
- Parameter management
- Selective logging detail
- DTMF and RFC2833
- Power Management
- SIP Registration
- Glare support
- RFC 6913 support
- In-band call-progress analysis
- Per-call metrics
- Polling
- Reports and logs
- Flexible header/footer
- Smart FoIP® (optional)
- Configuration management
- C# and C++ APIs
- Moreover, in 1Q18, SIPfaxEngine will include our patent-pending advanced next-generation FoIP featuring: Internet wire-speed image transfer, immunity to common FoIP problems, and backward compatiblity with today’s technology
But Commetrex doesn’t stop with industry-best technology. Our customer support is the best in the business because it’s provided by the most experienced fax-technology developers in the industry. Cliff Schornak, Commetrex’ CTO, has developed every aspect of fax technology in his 27 years of continuous focus. Bruce Adams, Director, Signal Processing Technology, helped specify V.34 while serving on ITU Study Group 16.
Not only are we the masters of the core fax technologies, we have 13 years of experience in making FoIP work in carrier networks. So, with Commetrex as your technology partner, you can be assured of a smooth transition from PSTN to FoIP for your MFP or fax-server products.

SIPfaxEngine is intended for the OEM that is developing a proprietary FoIP- SIP-based terminating fax resource, such as a fax server. We offer paid-up and royalty-based source-code licenses. The product utilizes the pjSIP open-source SIP stack with a paid-up commercial license included.
Core Elements
SIPfaxEngine saves the OEM from one end of the product life cycle to the other. Commetrex has a long tradition of fax-technology innovation, which has served to reinforce our position as the industry’s leading developer of fax-technology. To wit:
- First V.29 on a ‘C10 DSP (1993)
- First V.17 on a ‘C50 DSP (1997)
- First third-party software add-in fax (1993)
- Inventor of TerminatingT38 (2000)
- Inventor of “Multi-Modal Terminating Fax” (MMTF) (2002)
- Invented real-time fax over Skype (2007)
- 9,094,419 patent for Smart FoIP® (2010)
We believe our fax relay and terminating FoIP are the most-widely and longest-deployed in the industry, so we are way beyond eliminating early deployment problems. And we practically served as midwife to the birthing of T.38 with our T.38 Interoperability Test Lab in 2002-2004. All of this means rock-solid FoIP technology.
Then there’s the 14-year field experience of our BladeWare HMP fax server, with all of that experience baked into SIPfaxEngine.
Our licenses include 12 months of comprehensive support. Moreover, we offer the test version of BladeWare, Smart ATA®, and FaxTap NG to SIPfaxEngine licensees at reduced rates. And your support is provided by the very same engineers that have spent the last 25 years developing this industry-leading technology.